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Status: Not Listed
Name: CUTcoin
Ticker: CUT

Available Wallets

Desktop Wallets:
Cutcoin Wallet (Windows)
Cutcoin Wallet (Linux)
Cutcoin Wallet (Mac)
Mobile Wallets:
( Coming Soon )
Other Wallets:
Paper Wallet

About CUTcoin:

CUTcoin enables untraceable and anonymous transactions: both the sender and receiver are kept anonymous.
The devs team was repelled from the base code of the CryptoNight algorithm and significantly improved it.

Recently the team behind presented Staking Pool with a stable guaranteed CUT reward even when someone has a small number of coins, which can be considered as a perfect solution for crypto hodlers and risk-averse investors.

Grab your chance to learn more about CUTcoin and privacy-focused finance firsthand.
First PoS CryptoNote based coin.