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Status: Not Listed
Name: Decred
Ticker: DCR

Available Wallets

Desktop Wallets:
Mobile Wallets:
Decred Wallet
Trust Wallet
Other Wallets:

About Decred:

Decred is a community-directed cryptocurrency with built-in governance designed with the goal of making it a superior long-term store of value.
Decreds hybrid PoW/PoS consensus mechanism, transparent proposal, voting system, and continually funded treasury was designed to make it secure, adaptable, and sustainable.

Every Decred community member with skin in the game - stakeholders, developers, and miners - can vote on the direction of the project. Stakeholders collectively determine the policy, development plan, budget, and consensus rule changes. They also approve the miners work - effectively aligning interests to ensure the best possible outcome for all. As it moves towards becoming a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), Decred is intentionally designed to fund all the parties involved in its governance. Each block reward compensates miners, stakeholders, and the Treasury, which pays contractors who work on Decred.