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Status: Not Listed
Name: Masari
Ticker: MSR

Available Wallets

Desktop Wallets:
Masari Wallet (Windows)
Masari Wallet (Linux)
Masari Wallet (Mac)
Mobile Wallets:
Masari Wallet (Android)
Other Wallets:
Paper Wallet
Ledger (Coming Soon)

About Masari:

Masari describes itself as a fungible, secure, and private cryptocurrency based on Monero that was launched on 7 September 2017. Its primary focus is to research and implement scaling solutions that are a concern for all CryptoNote coins as the cryptocurrency space gets more mainstream.

Combining current features such as a fully client-side web wallet, 60-second block time, and uncle mining (via the SECOR protocol) with future blocktree scaling, the goal is to empower users to quickly transact online without worrying about chain slowdowns or loss of anonymity. Masari aims to be simple, scalable, and secure.