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Status: Listed
Name: ARK
Ticker: ARK

Available Wallets

Desktop Wallets:
ARK Desktop Wallet
Mobile Wallets:
ARK Mobile
Other Wallets:
ARK Paper Wallet

About ARK:

ARK is an open-source blockchain ecosystem that provides users with innovative and easy-to-use blockchain technologies. Our supportive community, extensive range of products and easy-to-implement technology, underpinned by the ARK Public Network, empowers individuals to adopt and apply blockchain technology in their everyday lives.

Boasting 8 second blocktimes, ARK is one of the fastest cryptocurrencies in the world. ARK also has a worlds first DPoS dynamic fee structure, making transaction fees extremely low. With its unlimited scalability via TPS increases and bridgechains, ARK pushes development and transaction boundaries. It is not only a P2P currency but also a blockchain platform allowing anyone to build their own customized interoperable blockchain with complete control and full integration support, custom transaction implementations, wallets, explorers and hardware integrations.