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Status: Listed
Ticker: OK

Available Wallets

Desktop Wallets:
OKCash (Windows)
OKCash Core (Linux)
OKCash Core (Mac)
Mobile Wallets:
Coinomi Android
Other Wallets:
OKCash Paper Wallet


OKCash is a hybrid cryptocurrency that evolved into a full Proof of Stake (PoS) system. [Efficient & Energy Friendly]

Okcash is simple to use, efficient and sustainable, it boasts of a confirmation rate higher than most cryptocurrencies, fast speeds, low fees, long term sustainable staking, a secure messaging system and is ready for the Internet of Things (IoT).

Okcash is a decentralized and fast growing cryptocurrency / movement that was born on Nov 24th 2014. OK was mined (PoW-Scrypt) and evolved to be stake-able (PoS-LTSS-Sha256). Okcash is not a security, it never had an ICO, nor any kind of funding rounds. OK is self sustainable and is fully supported by voluntaries (Just like Bitcoin).