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Status: Listed
Name: Primo
Ticker: PRIMO

Available Wallets

Desktop Wallets:
Tronlink (TRC20)
Mobile Wallets:
Trust Wallet (TRC20)
Other Wallets:
Ledger (TRC20)

About Primo:

Primo DAO began in 2021 with the goal of creating a new generation of wellness with a public base that is both informed and knowledgeable ranging from source, innovation, application, crypto, utility, and range. The DAO was started with the aim of separating the CBD business from the tech development side due to industry regulatory unknowns (understanding that the CBD industry is still developing its form). Rather than the typical or average CBD company and DAO that waits to change with the times, we put ourselves at the forefront.

The model is built on the foundation of our signature Build Your Own Blend (BYOB)—a unique and innovative customization that personalizes customer freedom—CBD partner Primo Gardens Inc., and web3 built by Primo Ocean DAO. A vertically integrated company headquartered in Denver, Colorado, Primo involves itself with the growing, process, and manufacturing of Hemp and CBD products (with three additional locations spanning the United States). Each location offering advancements in CBD offerings and/or partnerships to position itself as a market mover.

Token Type: TRC20
Token Contract: TPbbHx2ztzYoJS12S4BkyhNjRBH9i7539r